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ee:pcbuvmasks [2021/03/08 13:39] external edit
ee:pcbuvmasks [2024/01/12 11:46] (current)
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 <​imgcaption PrintExposureMask|Print exposure mask>​{{:​ee:​PrintExposureMask.png?​400}}</​imgcaption>​ <​imgcaption PrintExposureMask|Print exposure mask>​{{:​ee:​PrintExposureMask.png?​400}}</​imgcaption>​
-Printing multiple times to the same foil can be hard. Normal laser printers are not designed for this tasks, so there will probably be some wasted foils.+Printing multiple times to the same foil can be hard. Normal ​(laserprinters are not designed for this tasks, so there will probably be some wasted foils.
 The procedure for the top side of the board is the same. The mask for the top side is generated with layers 1, 17 and 18 enabled. **Important:​** It is essential to mirror the layout, there is an extra option for this on the print menu. The procedure for the top side of the board is the same. The mask for the top side is generated with layers 1, 17 and 18 enabled. **Important:​** It is essential to mirror the layout, there is an extra option for this on the print menu.
ee/pcbuvmasks.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/01/12 11:46 by FKR@staff.hsrw