/* Action mail frank.kremer@hochschule-rhein-waal.de technologie-bionik@hochschule-rhein-waal.de The used plugin uses CAPTCHA plugin. Default option is a "hidden captcha". */ ===== Register for Preparatory Courses ===== /*The registration for preparatory courses in winter term 2021/2022 has been closed.*/ You can register for the preparatory courses in mathematics, physics and chemistry in winter semester 2022/2023 here.
Action mail fkr@hochschule-rhein-waal.de usemailtemplate general:prepcoursesmailtemplate subject "Preparatory courses registration complete" Thanks "Your registration form has been submitted. You will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail shortly." Fieldset "Personal information" Textbox "Name" email email @@ Action mail @@email@@ number "State your student id (if already available)" >10000 ! select "Select your study course" "|Biomaterials Science|Electrical and Electronics Engineering|Industrial Engineering|Mechanical Engineering|Mechatronic Systems Engineering|Other study course" Fieldset "Specify course" "Select your study course" "Other study course" Textbox "Please specify your course of study" fieldset "Preparatory courses" static "Please tick all the preparatory courses you want to participate in." yesno "Mathematics" "=Yes" "!No" yesno "Physics" "=Yes" "!No" yesno "Chemistry" "=Yes" "!No" fieldset "Submission" submit "Submit"
Please contact [[technologie-bionik@hochschule-rhein-waal.de|technologie-bionik@hochschule-rhein-waal.de]] if you got any further questions.