/* Short URL to this site https://hsrw.info/ceremony2020 */ /* Action mail frank.kremer@hochschule-rhein-waal.de The used plugin uses CAPTCHA plugin. Default option is a "hidden captcha". */ ===== Register for Graduation Ceremony (December 4th, 2020) ===== Registration for the event has been closed. /*
Action mail marketing-tub@hochschule-rhein-waal.de Thanks "Your registration form has been submitted. You will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail shortly." Fieldset "Personal information" Textbox "Name" "=Your name" number "State your student id" >10000 email email @@ Action mail @@email@@ file "Upload picture (max. 3 MB)" ! select "Select faculty" "|Life Sciences|Technology and Bionics" Fieldset "Study program Life Scienecs" "Select faculty" "Life Sciences" select "Select your study course" "|Agribusiness|Bio Science and Health|Bioengineering|Biological Resources|Food Sciences|Health Sciences and Management|Qualität, Umwelt, Sicherheit und Hygiene|Sustainable Agriculture|Other study course" Fieldset "Study program Technology and Bionics" "Select faculty" "Technology and Bionics" select "Select your study course" "|Biomaterials Science|Bionics/Biomimetics|Electrical and Electronics Engineering|Electronics|Industrial Engineering|Mechanical Engineering B.Sc.|Mechanical Engineering M.Sc.|Mechatronic Systems Engineering|Science Communication and Bionics|Other study course" fieldset "Submission" submit "Submit"